Title 1 contains:
- South African Air Force Flight Manual (probably produced by the manufacturer) for the C.160Z Transall, T.O. 1C-160Z-1 undated with approx. 515 pages.
- Manufacturer’s colour brochure for the Transall, document TP 17-58A undated with approx. 37 pages.
Title 2 contains:
- Luftwaffe Flight Manual (titled Flughandbuch) for the C-160 Transall, GAF T.O. 1C-160-1 dated 15 May 1979, revised to 14 November 1995, with approx. 830 pages. (In the German language.)
- Manufacturer’s detailed specification brochure for the Transall, document TR-AC-07-01 dated January 1965 with approx. 78 pages.