
Title:  Sud Est SNCASO SE.2010 Armagnac

The SE.2010 Armagnac was a large French pressurised long range passenger airliner which first flew in 1949. Development started in 1942 but only progressed once WW2 ended. It was powered by the most powerful piston engine then available, the R-4360 Wasp Major but even then with a maximum weight of 77 tonnes it was under-powered and performance was disappointing. It was intended for trans-Atlantic operations but the range was insufficent.

After being rejected by Air France, only nine examples were built and these were operated by French airlines TAI and SAGETA, most successfully on the French Indochina re-supply route but by 1955 all examples had been withdrawn from service due to being uneconomic. Apart from an isolated operation taking the French team to the 1956 Melbourne Olympics, most examples were scrapped.

This title contains multiple volumes of the technical manual suite for the SE.2010 series. SNCASE produced three sets of technical manuals covering different serial numbers and we have a selection of these volumes but not unfortunately a complete set, along with a couple of early technical summaries and a brochure. We have never seen a pilot manual for the type. The files have been scanned from the original manuals and retain any colour pages.



This title contains:

  • SE2010 Prototype – Caracteristiques Generales, dated 21-3-43 with 5 pages.
  • SE2010 Prototype – Caracteristiques et Plan, dated 31-12-48/Feb46 with 24 pages.
  • Manufacturer’s brochure for the Aerosudest S.E.2010 undated with 4 pages.
  • SNCASE SE 2010 – Notice Technique – Dossier 2010-131 Electricité, undated with approx. 180 pages. (Serial Number 1.)
  • SNCASE SE 2010 – Notice Technique – Dossier 2010-163 Aménagements Généraux (General facilities), undated with approx. 80 pages. (Serial number 1.)
  • SNCASE SE 2010 – Notice Technique – Dossier 2010-308 Groupe Moto-propulseur (Propulsion group), undated with approx. 130 pages. (Serial numbers 1 and 2.)
  • SNCASE SE 2010 – Notice Technique – Dossier 2010-326 Caracteristiques Generals, dated 1-10-53 with approx. 19 pages (Serial numbers 2 to 8.)
  • SNCASE SE 2010 – Notice Technique – Dossier 2010-327 Planeur (Airframe), dated 9-1-52 with approx. 113 pages (Serial numbers 2 to 8.)
  • SNCASE SE 2010 – Notice Technique – Dossier 2010-328 Train d’atterrissage (Undercarriage), dated 1-10-53 with approx. 75 pages (Serial numbers 2 to 8.)
  • SNCASE SE 2010 – Notice Technique – Dossier 2010 -329 Installation hydraulique train d’atterissage (Undercarriage hydraulics), dated 1-10-53 with approx. 120 pages (Serial numbers 2 to 8.)
  • SNCASE SE 2010 – Notice Technique – Dossier 2010-330 Groupe Moto-propulseur (Propulsion group), dated 1-10-53 with approx. 124 pages (Serial numbers 2 to 8.)
  • SNCASE SE 2010 – Notice Technique – Dossier 2010-334 Aménagements Intérieurs (Interior facilities), dated 1-10-53 with approx. 153 pages (Serial numbers 2 to 8.)

(All the above documents are in the FRENCH language.)