
Titles: Sud Aviation SO4050 Vautour No’s 1 and 2

The Vautour was designed to a French Air Force requirement for an aircraft capable of operating as a bomber, low-level attack aircraft and all-weather interceptor, and first flew in 1952. It entered service in 1958 in three versions; the Vautor IIA single seat attack aircraft; the Vautour IIB bomber; and the Vautour IIN all-weather interceptor. 149 examples were built, including 28 for the sole export customer, Israel. The aircraft was somewhat under-powered but soldiered on until the late 1970’s.

We offer two titles for the Vautour. Each title is US$9.95. The first title contains the flight manual for the Vautour N variant in two volumes, in the typical French style of separate parts for the text and the illustrations. The second title contains the maintenance manual also for the Vautour N, also in two volumes with separate text and illustrations. The files have been copied from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages.



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Title 1 contains:

  • Manuel de l’Equipage (Flight Manual) for the Vautour “N” in two volumes, Tome I and Tome II. Documents UCC 102-1 and UCC 102-2 dated September 1970. In the typical French format, each volume has two separate sections, one with text and the second with illustrations. In French.
    Tome I – Texte – with approx 360 pages.
    Tome I – Planches – with approx 112 pages.
    Tome II- Texte – with approx 370 pages.
    Tome II- Planches – with approx 260 pages.

Title 2 contains:

  • Notice Descriptive et de Fonctionnement (Descriptive and Maintenance Manual) for the Vautour “N” in two volumes, Tome I and Tome II. Edition Transitoire dated 31 July 1957. In the typical French format, each volume has two separate sections, one with text and the second with illustrations. In French.
    Tome I – Texte – with approx 334 pages.
    Tome I – Planches – with approx 153 pages.
    Tome II- Texte – with approx 255 pages.
    Tome II- Planches – with approx 181 pages.