Title: Sikorsky HR2S Mojave (S-56)
The S-56 was designed as a heavy lift transport helicopter for the USMC, able to carry 26 fully equipped troops or lift heavy external loads. The prototype first flew in 1953, and at the time was the largest helicopter in the Western world and Sikorsky’s first twin-engine helicopter. 60 were built for the USMC where it was known as the HR2S-1. The US Army evaluated the prototype and ordered 94 of their own where it was known as the CH-37. The aircraft used two R2800 radial engines which were larger and heavier than the turbine engines then coming into service and this accounted for the types relatively short service life, being retired by the late 1960’s.
This title contains the flight manual and the maintenance manual for the HR2S-1. The files have been scanned from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages.