
Title: Republic F-84F Thunderstreak

The F-84F was developed In 1949 as a swept-wing version of the F-84 series in an attempt to equal the performance of the F-86. It was originally intended to have a 55% commonality with the straight-wing version, but in practice this was only 15%. First flown in 1950, it did not enter service as the F-84F until 1954 but served into the 1970’s.

This title contains three flight manuals for the F-84F and the RF-84F Thunderflash reconnaissance version along with the Aircraft Profile. The files have been scanned from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages, except where stated.



This title contains:

  • USAF Flight Handbook for the F-84F, T.O. 1F-84F-1 (formerly AN 01-65BJD-1) dated 10-3-53, revised to 10-5-54, with approx. 223 pages.
  • USAF Flight Handbook for the F-84F-25, T.O. 1F-84F(25)-1 dated 20-1-56 revised to 30-12-56, with approx. 359 pages.
  • USAF Flight Manual for the RF-84F-5, T.O. 1F-84(R)F-1 dated 1-1-66, with approx. 320 pages. (Scanned from a copy.)
  • Aircraft Profile No 95 covering the Republic F-84F Thunderstreak, dated 1966 with 12 pages..