
Title: Panavia Tornado No’s 1 and 2

The Panavia Tornado, originally known as MRCA (multi-role combat aircraft) is a family of swept wing twin-engine fighter jets jointly developed by Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. It first flew in 1974 and around 992 were built, including 120 for the sole export customer, Saudi Arabia.

The aircraft has been used in combat for low-level strike missions in several conflicts including the Gulf war, Iraq, the former Yugoslavia etc. The United Kingdom retired their last variant of the Tornado in 2019.

We offer two titles covering the Panavia Tornado, including the flight manual for an early development aircraft and three flight manuals for the Italian version of the strike variant. The files have been scanned from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages. Each title is US$9.95.

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Title 1 contains:

    • Panavia manufacturer’s (development) Flight Manual for the Panavia MRCA aircraft 08, PAN-200-FM-100 dated April 1976 with approx. 519 pages.
    • Italian Air Force Flight Manual for the Panavia 200 Tornado IDS Italian series aircraft (strike variant), AER.1F-PA200-1 dated 15-12-2007 with approx. 1,042 pages.

Title 2 contains:

    • Italian Air Force Flight Manual for the Panavia 200 Tornado Italian series aircraft (strike variant), AER.1F-PA200-1 dated 1 Jan 1990 with approx. 675 pages.
    • Italian Air Force Flight Manual Performance Data for the Panavia 200 Tornado Italian series aircraft (strike variant), AER.1F-PA200-1A dated 15 Feb 1992 with approx. 374 pages.