
Title: Macchi MB.326

First flown in 1957, the simple but effective MB326 entered service with the Italian Air Force in 1962 as an “all-through” jet trainer. The type had considerable export success and was assembled under licence in Australia, South Africa and Brazil. As well as numerous air arms around the world, the Italian airline Alitalia purchased six examples for training purposes.

We offer two titles containing the flight manuals for a number of variants of the Macchi MB-326, all except one in English, along with a weapon delivery manual and a nice early manufacturer’s brochure. The files have been scanned from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages.

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Title 1 contains:

  • Royal Australian Air Force Flight Manual for the Macchi MB-326H aircraft. AAP 7212.001-1 (originally AAP 1129) as amended to June 1973, with approx. 381 pages.
  • Manufacturer’s Flight Manual for the MB-326GB as used by the Argentine Navy. P.I. 1T-MB326GB-1 dated 1-7-70 revised to 20-11-71, with approx. 282 pages.
  • Italian Air Force flight manual (Manuale Di Volo) for the MB326 aircraft (A Model), document CA15.MB326-1 dated 1-1-64 revised to 15-9-66, with 211 pages. In Italian.

Title 2 contains:

  • Manufacturer’s Flight Manual for the Macchi MB-326KC aircraft. P.I. 1T-MB326KC-1 dated 10-11-73 revised to 1-9-86, with approx. 190 pages.
  • Manufacturer’s Flight Manual for the Macchi MB-326KD and KB aircraft. P.I. 1T-MB326KD-1 dated 20-2-77 revised to 20-3-85, with approx. 173 pages.
  • Manufacturer’s Aircrew Weapons Delivery Manual – Basic Information for the MB-326KD, KC, KB, KT, and KZ, P.I. 1A-MB326KD-34-1-1 dated 20-1-81, with approx. 249 pages.
  • Manufacturer’s brochure for the MB326, undated but probably early 1960’s, with approx. 42 pages.