
Title: Fiat CR42

The Fiat CR42 was a single-engine single-seat fighter, which despite being a sequiplane (a biplane where the lower wing has a smaller span than the upper wing), first flew in 1938 and was the most numerous Italian aircraft used during WW2. It was very fast for a biplane, over 270 mph and very manoeuvrable but somewhat vulnerable to enemy fire.

Over 1,800 examples were built, and the type also served with the Belgian, Croatian, German, Hungarian, Spanish and Swedish air arms. In 1945 it was claimed that in downing a USAAF P-38 aircraft the CR42 scored the last aerial victory for a biplane fighter.

This title includes the Italian Defence Ministry maintenance manual and the parts manual for the Fiat CR42 along with the aircraft profile for the type.  The files have been scanned from the original manuals and retain any colour pages.



This title contains:

  • Italian Ministry of Defence manual titled “Istruzione e Norme per il Montaggio, la Regolazione e la Manutenzione” (Erection and Maintenance Manual) for the Fiat C.R.42 fitted with the Fiat A74R1 engine, document reference C.A.446 dated 1940 with approx. 151 pages. (In the Italian language.)
  • Italian Ministry of Defence manual titled “Catalogo Nomeclatore” (Parts Catalog) for the Fiat C.R.42 fitted with the Fiat A74R1 engine, document reference C.A.447 dated 1940 with approx. 162 pages. (In the Italian language.)
  • Aircraft Profile publication No 16 covering the Fiat CR.42, dated 1965 with 12 pages.