
Title: De Havilland DH86 Express

The De Havilland DH86 was designed initially to an Australian specification and had been ordered by Qantas before it first flew in 1934. Conceptually it was a four-engined enlarged version of the Dragon, but with a more streamlined appearance with tapered wings and extensive fairings.

Originally a single pilot aircraft (DH86) like its predecessors, a longer nose with two pilot positions (DH86A) proved faster. In truth the aircraft was probably reaching the limits of the wood and fabric type of construction and the aircraft suffered a number of accidents. The Australian government effectively grounded the type which lead to the subsequent dominance of US built aircraft in Australian service. A total of 62 were built.

This title contains the manufacturers Instruction Manuals for both the DH86 and the DH86A Express plus a NACA descriptive aircraft circular. The files have been scanned from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages.



This title contains:

  • Manufacturer’s Manual of Instructions for Operation, Maintenance and Rigging of the De Havilland Express (Type DH86), publication DH86.I.M.1, undated but from the mid 1930’s, with approx. 50 pages including 19 fold-out drawings at the back.
  • Manufacturer’s Manual of Instructions for Operation, Maintenance, Rigging and Repair of the De Havilland Express (Type DH86A), publication DH86A.I.M.1, undated but from the late 1930’s, with approx. 59 pages including 19 fold-out drawings at the back.
  • NACA descriptive Aircraft Circular No. 189 covering the DH86 Express, dated April 1934 with approx. 13 pages.