
Title: De Havilland DH83 Fox Moth

The De Havilland DH83 Fox Moth was designed as a low-cost light passenger aircraft, and first flew in 1932. It used the main components of the Tiger Moth military trainer then in volume production, including the wings, empennage and powerplant, married to a new all-wood fuselage. The pilot sat above and behind the three-four seat cabin, and in the so-called “speed” model, beneath a retractable canopy.

153 examples were built, 98 in England, 2 in Australia and 53 in Canada. The aircraft was successful in a number of roles and was the first aircraft to make a profit in commercial airline service without subsidies.

This title contains the manufacturer’s Instruction Manual for the DH83 Fox Moth plus a nice manufacturer’s publicity brochure and a NACA  Aircraft Circular describing the Fox Moth. The files have been scanned from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages.



This title contains:

  • Manufacturer’s Manual of Instructions for Operation, Maintenance and Rigging of the De Havilland Fox Moth (Type D.H.83), publication FIM.1, undated but from the 1930’s, with approx. 46 pages including 13 fold-out drawings at the back.
  • Manufacturer’s publicity brochure for the De Havilland Fox Moth (Type DH83), undated but from the 1930’s, with approx. 12 pages.
  • NACA Aircraft Circular No 162, De Havilland D.H.83 “Fox Moth”, dated May 1932 with approx. 9 pages.