
Title: Brewster 340 Bermuda

The Brewster Bermuda was developed for the US Navy (by whom it was known as the SB2A Buccaneer) and first flew in 1941. It was also ordered in significant quantities by several other countries, notably the United Kingdom.

All operators of the aircraft found it to be a poor performer and unsuitable for combat duties. It is generally considered one of the worst aircraft of WW2. Around 771 were built but many were scrapped without being flown operationally.

This title includes the flight manual (known as pilot’s notes) and the erection & maintenance manual (known as the Air Publication Volume One) for the Bermuda in RAF service. The flight manuals have been scanned from the original documents and retain any colour pages.



This title contains:

  • RAF Provisional Pilot’s Notes for the Bermuda I, British Air Commission Air Publication Pilot’s Notes dated August 1942, with approx. 22 pages.
  • Manufacturer Produced Erection & Maintenance manual for the Model 340-14 Bermuda Dive Bomber, AP 2038A Volume One undated with approx. 208 pages.