
Title: Antonov An-24

The An-24 was intended to replace the Ilyushin IL-14, being optimised for short to medium haul routes, and short or rough strips, and first flew in 1959. Its rugged design and good performance meant the aircraft found a ready market with the airlines and air forces of the Soviet Union and its allies, and a large number were exported to many countries in Africa and the Middle East.

This title contains the flight manual for the An-24 in Russian, a detailed technical description manual in Russian, two detailed systems manuals, and one publicity brochure. The files have been scanned from the original documents, unless otherwise stated, and retain any colour pages.


This title contains:

  • Flight Manual (Flight Exploitation Manual, in the Russian language) for the Antonov An-24PB, dated 1995/9 with approx. 353 pages.
  • Technical Description Manual (in the Russian language) for the Antonov An-24, dated 1978 with approx. 311 pages.
  • Album of Systems Diagrams for the Antonov An-24 aircraft (in the Russian language), undated with approx. 60 pages. Appears to be a collection of large wall diagrams assembled into a training manual.
  • Album of Basic Arrangement and Key Diagrams of Main Aircraft Systems for the Antonov An-24PB aircraft, in the Russian and English languages, dated 2001 with approx. 170 pages. Scanned from a good quality photocopy.
  • Aviaexport publicity brochure for the An-24B aircraft, in the Russian, French and English languages, undated with approx. 50 pages.