This title contains:
- Flight Manual (Flight Exploitation Manual, in the Russian language) for the Antonov An-24PB, dated 1995/9 with approx. 353 pages.
- Technical Description Manual (in the Russian language) for the Antonov An-24, dated 1978 with approx. 311 pages.
- Album of Systems Diagrams for the Antonov An-24 aircraft (in the Russian language), undated with approx. 60 pages. Appears to be a collection of large wall diagrams assembled into a training manual.
- Album of Basic Arrangement and Key Diagrams of Main Aircraft Systems for the Antonov An-24PB aircraft, in the Russian and English languages, dated 2001 with approx. 170 pages. Scanned from a good quality photocopy.
- Aviaexport publicity brochure for the An-24B aircraft, in the Russian, French and English languages, undated with approx. 50 pages.