
Title: Alpha Jet

Developed as a joint venture between Dassault/Breguet of France and Dornier of Germany as an advanced trainer and light-attack aircraft, the first Alpha Jet flew in 1973.

200 were built for the Armee de l’Air and 176 were built for the Luftwaffe (who retired theirs in 2001). Eight other air forces procured another 151 examples, giving a final production total of 527.

This title contains the flight manual (in English) for the Alpha Jet as used by the Luftwaffe, plus two manufacturer’s brochures. The files have been scanned from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages.



This title contains:

  • Luftwaffe Flight Manual for the Alpha Jet GAF T.O. 1F-AJET-1 dated 1 March 1986, approx. 362 pages including many fold-out illustrations at the back of the manual. (Luftwaffe manuals follow the USAF format and this one is in English.)
  • Manufacturer’s brochure for the Alpha Jet, document DGT 19085 dated 1981 with 28 pages. (In the Spanish language.)
  • Manufacturer’s brochure for the Alpha Jet NGEA, a proposed modernised development with an armed attack capability, dated May 1983 with 7 pages. (In French and English.)