
Title: North American B-1A and B-1B

The B-1A is a supersonic variable-sweep heavy bomber which first flew in 1974. Four prototypes were initially built but high costs, the introduction of cruise missiles and work on the future stealth bomber lead to the program being cancelled in 1977. The program was subsequently resurrected as an interim measure pending the introduction of the stealth bomber and 100 examples of a re-designed B-1B were built between 1984 and 1988.

We offer two titles for the B-1 series. The first title contains two flight manuals produced by the manufacturer covering three of the four prototypes of the B-1A. The second contains the manufacturer’s manual for the fourth B-1A, plus the USAF flight manual for the later B-1B. The files have been scanned from the original manuals and retain any colour pages. Each Title is US$9.95.

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This title contains:

  • Rockwell International manufacturer produced Flight Manual for the North American B-1A, covering aircraft No’s 1 and 2 (serial numbers 74-0158A and 74-0159A), Report NA 73-296 with approx. 621 pages.
  • Rockwell International manufacturer produced Flight Manual for the North American B-1A, covering aircraft No 3 (serial number 74-0160A), Report NA 75-300 dated 20-1-76 at Change 2 dated 1-7-76 with approx. 758 pages.

This title contains:

  • Rockwell International manufacturer produced Flight Manual for the North American B-1A, covering aircraft No 4 (serial number 76-0174), Report NA 77-400 dated 15-1-79 with approx. 565 pages. (This manual has only Section 1 – Description.)
  • USAF Flight Manual for the B-1B, T.O. 1B-1B-1 dated 1-10-05 revised to Change 3 dated 1-07-06 with approx. 1436 pages.