
Title: Saro London

The London was one of the last multi-engine biplane flying boats to serve with the RAF and first flew in 1934, entering service in 1936. Only 31 were built but they were obsolete by the start of WW2 and all had been withdrawn from service by 1941.

This title contains the RAF Air Publication (Descriptive & Servicing Manual) for the London, (it was too early to have pilot’s notes), along with a nice manufacturer’s brochure on the aircraft. The files have been scanned from the original manuals and retain any colour pages.



This title contains:

  • RAF Air Publication AP 1516B Volume 1, 1st Edition dated June 1937, covering the SARO London II aeroplanes with Pegasus X engines, with approx. 117 pages.
  • Manufacturer’s publicity brochure for the Saro London, undated with approx. 34 pages.