
Title: Fokker F.25 Promotor

The Promotor was the first aircraft produced post-war by Fokker and was an unusual configuration wooden aircraft which first flew in 1946. It had a pilot seated centrally with three passengers behind. Unfortunately it fell to the same fate as most immediate post-war general aviation aircraft of being unable to compete with cheap war surplus aircraft and only 20 were built.

This title contains the manufacturer’s handbook, a brochure and an interesting engineering article for the Fokker F.25 Promotor, plus to give value, the manufacturer’s brochure for the Fokker S.13. The files have been scanned from the original documents and retain any colour pages.



This title contains:

  • Manufacturer’s Handboek for the F.25 Promotor, dated 1-9-48 with approx. 129 pages. (In the Dutch language.) Looks like a complete descriptive, operating and maintenance manual.
  • Manufacturer’s technical sales brochure for the F.25 Promotor (in the French language) dated 1946 with approx. 13 pages.
  • Article “Aircraft Manufacture in the Netherlands – with particular reference to the Fokker F25 Promotor”, reprinted from “Aircraft Engineering” dated Oct 1948 with 6 pages.
  • Manufacturer’s technical sales brochure for the Fokker S.13 (in the English, Dutch, French languages) dated June 1950 with approx. 22 pages.