Title: CASA C.101 Aviojet
The CASA C-101 Aviojet aircraft was designed to an Ejercito Del Aire requirement in 1975 for a jet trainer to replace its aging fleet of Hispano Ha.200s and Ha.220s. Like many European jet trainers, it was also to have a limited attack capability. CASA sought technical assistance from MBB and Northrop and produced a design along largely conventional lines, the only unusual feature being a large internal weapons bay beneath the rear cockpit, allowing for a wider variety of armament to be carried than the underwing pylons alone would allow. Alternatively, this bay can be used to carry reconnaissance equipment. The aircraft is designed in a modular fashion to ease manufacturing and maintenance, and enjoys a great range since its initial requirement called for deployment to the Canary Islands from the Spanish mainland.
This title contains the flight manual for the C.101 trainer version (designated E-25 by the Spanish Air Force) along with a detailed manufacturer’s brochure in English. The files have been scanned from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages.