
Title: Republic (Seversky) P-43 Lancer

The P-43 Lancer was developed from the earlier Seversky P-35 and first flew in 1940. The aircraft had good high altitude performance and was used as a specialised interception aircraft in the far east until the arrival of the P-38 Lightning, but only 272 were built.

To maximise value, this title includes the flight manual for all variants of the P-43 and the R1830 engine operating instructions, along with the flight manual for the AT-12 Guardsman, a two-seat advanced trainer also derived from the P-35. The files have been scanned from the original flight manuals.



This title contains:

  • USAAF Handbook of Operation and Flight Instructions for the YP-43, P-43 and P-43A, Technical Order 01-65BB-1 dated 30-1-42 with approx. 33 pages.
  • USAF Preliminary Operating Instructions for the Pratt & Whitney R1830-47 and -49 engines as used in the P-43 and P-43A, Technical Order No 02-10CB-1E dated 10 Dec 1941 with 3 pages.
  • USAAF Handbook of Operation and Flight Instructions for the AT-12, Technical Order 01-60KA-1 dated 25-10-41 revised to 6-5-42 with approx. 28 pages.