
Title: Kamov KA-26

The Kamov KA-26 is a light utility co-axial rotor helicopter which first flew in 1966. It has two radial piston engines in external pods and features removable fuselage pods to facilitate rapid changes between roles. Over 600 were produced and the Russians had ideas at one time of getting Western certification, probably the reason for the English flight manual.

This title contains the flight manual in English for the KA-26 series along with the three other detailed technical manuals in Russian, plus a publicity brochure. The files have been scanned from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages unless otherwise stated.



This title contains:

  • Flight manual for the Kamov KA-26D, dated 1974, with approx. 110 pages. In English.
  • Book “Practical Aerodynamics” for the KA26, dated 1974 with approx. 191 pages. In Russian.
  • Manual “Instructions for Technical Exploitation” (more of an operations manual) for the KA26, two volumes dated 1976 with approx. 152 and 532 pages. In Russian. (There are 5 volumes in this set, we only have the first two.)
  • “Repair Manual” for the KA26 (more of a descriptive and maintenance manual), in six volumes, undated with between 115 and 178 pages each. In Russian.
  • Aviaexport brochure for the “Multi-purpose Helicopter KA-26”, dated 1976 with 24 pages. In English.