
Title: Antonov An-124

The AN-124 is the Russian equivalent of the C-5 Galaxy utilising a similar high-winged four-engined layout but with a more conventional empennage. The aircraft first flew in 1982 and achieved certification in 1992. It was in production at two plants in the Soviet Union but with the break-up of that country production ceased. Several uncompleted airframes were eventually finished to satisfy demand from the civil oversized cargo market.

Only about 56 aircraft have been built to date, about half being operated by the Russian Air Force and the other half in the civil cargo market. The aircraft has found such a niche in this role with no real competitors, that there have been efforts made to re-start production and upgrade the aircraft with Western engines and avionics.

We offer two titles covering the AN124. The first title contains a copy of the Flight Manual for the AN124, in Russian, along with a nice photo book produced by the manufacturer. The second title contains 8 volumes of the AN124 Maintenance Manual, in Russian, along with an Aviaexport produced brochure. Each title is US$9.95.

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Title 1 contains:

  • Flight Exploitation manual for the Antonov AN-124, Book One dated 1993, with approx. 444 pages. IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE.
  • Flight Exploitation manual for the Antonov AN-124, Book Two dated 1993, with approx. 1093 pages. IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE.
  • Manufacturer produced large book issued to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the first flight of the AN 124. 174 pages of photographs largely in date order covering design, testing, manufacture and operation. Dated 2012, in Russian and English. (Some moire patterns from the scanning.)

Title 2 contains:

  • Technical Exploitation manual for the Antonov AN-124 (maintenance manual) dated 1993 revised to 2003. We have the following eight volumes, ALL IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE:
  •  – Book Two, covering instrumentation, flight & navigation equipment with approx. 770 pages.
  •  – Book Four, covering Firefighting equipment and fuel system with approx. 368 pages.
  •  – Book Five, covering hydraulic system and chassis with approx. 1052 pages.
  •  – Book Twelve, covering communications and navigation equipment, active response equipment with approx. 506 pages.
  •  – Book Thirteen, covering transport (loading) equipment with approx. 264 pages.
  •  – Book Fifteen, covering air-conditioning, anti-ice and pneumatic systems with approx. 702 pages.
  •  – Book Seventeen, covering APU and powerplant and associated equipment with approx. 582 pages.
  •  – Book Eighteen, covering automatic equipment flight controls with approx. 374 pages.
  • Aviaexport colour brochure on the AN124, in English, undated with 6 pages.