
Title: Caudron C59

The Caudron C59 was a two-seat single-engined biplane which first flew in 1921. During a production run lasting from only 1922 to 1924, more than 1,800 examples were produced.

The type was exported to a number of other European countries, including Finland, Spain, and Bulgaria, and as far afield as China and Argentina. A single survivor exists at a Finnish museum.

This title contains the French Defence Ministry and the manufacturer’s Technical manuals for the Caudron C.59, in French, along with the manufacturer’s parts catalog and two brochures for the C.59, also in French. The files have been scanned from the original manuals and retain any colour pages.



This title contains:

  • French Ministry of Defence Notice Technique (Technical Manual) for the Caudron C59 E.T.2, dated October 1928 with approx. 18 pages of text and 10 fold-out illustrations. (In the French language.)
  • Manufacturer’s Notice Technique (Technical Manual) for the Caudron C59 E.T.2 aircraft, undated with approx. 14 pages of text and 3 illustrations. (In the French language.)
  • Manufacturer’s Nomenclature des Pieces de Rechange (Parts Catalog) for the Caudron C59 E.T.2 aircraft, undated with approx. 24 pages of text and 6 annotated photographs (photos IV to VII appear to be missing). (In the French language.)
  • Manufacturer’s Brochures (2 similar) for the Caudron C.59, undated with approx. 8 pages. (In the French, English and Spanish languages.)