Title: De Havilland DH85 Leopard Moth
The De Havilland DH85 Leopard Moth was an updated version of the earlier two-seat DH80 Puss Moth, designed from the outset as a three-seater and first flew in 1933. Like the prototype DH80 it featured a wooden fuselage rather than steel tube. The main undercarriage attached to the engine bulkhead rather than the wing root and the wing planform was simplified.
The aircraft was immediately successful, winning the King’s Cup air race within 5 weeks of it’s first flight. 132 examples were built at Stag Lane and Hatfield.
This title contains the manufacturer’s Instruction Manual for the DH85 Leopard Moth plus a NACA Aircraft Circular describing the Leopard Moth. The files have been scanned from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages.