
Title: Nord (SNCAN) 1200 Norecrin

The Norecrin was designed by the Societe Nationale de Constructions Aeronautiques du Nord to meet a French government design contest and first flew in December 1945. It was a very successful design and around 378 were built.

A number of different variants were produced with varying passenger seating and engines, including an armed military version. The original Norecrin production variant used the 140 hp Renault 4P-01 engine while the later Norecrin II used the 135 hp Regnier 4L-00 engine.

This title contains the Instruction manual (covers flight and maintenance) for the Norecrin II plus two manufacturer’s brochures. The files have been scanned from the original manuals and retain any colour pages.



This title contains:

  • Manufacturer’s Carte De Service De L’Avion Type 1203 Norecrin II. A small but complete manual comprising “Caracteristiques (specification), Utilisation (Flight Operation) and Entretien (maintenance)” dated Sept 1950 with approx. 25 pages. In the FRENCH language.
  • Manufacturer’s brochure titled “Le Norecrin”, undated with approx. 13 pages. In the FRENCH language.
  • Manufacturer’s brochure titled ” Le Norecrin II”, undated with approx. 33 pages. In the FRENCH language.