
Title: Northrop YA-9A

The Northrop YA-9A was developed in response to a USAF request for a dedicated Close Air Support/ground attack aircraft. Northrop and Fairchild Republic were the two companies selected to build prototypes for a fly-off competition. The Northrop entry was designated YA-9 while the Fairchild aircraft was designated YA-10.

The first flight of the YA-9A was on May 30, 1972, and the fly-off competition ran between Oct. 10 and Dec. 9, 1972. The Air Force subsequently selected the A-10 as the winner of the contest on Jan. 18, 1973. The two prototype YA-9As were transferred to NASA for flight testing before being retired and preserved in Museums.

This title contains two flight manuals and the maintenance manual for the YA-9A.



This title contains:

  • Manufacturers Development Program Flight Manual for the A-9A, DPM A-9A-1 dated 1-9-72 revised to 24-10-72, with approx. 186 pages.
  • Manufacturers Pilot’s Briefing Notes for the A-9A, Report NB 72-117 dated May 1972, with approx. 62 pages.
  • Manufacturers Development Program Organisational Maintenance Manual for the A-9A, DPM A-9A-2 dated 1-8-72, with approx. 282 pages.