
Title: Northrop F-20 Tigershark

Originally designated F-5G, as a single engined development of the F-5, but with 80% more engine power, modern avionics and weapons and an enlarged wing, the F-20 was designed, built and tested by the Northrop Corporation in the early 1980’s. Three prototypes were built, two of which crashed during sales demonstrations and the survivor now resides at the Los Angeles County Museum of Science.

Altough it was a capable aircraft, being one of the first to fully exploit the digital electronics revolution, the aircraft found no customer because the USAF preferred to stick with the F-16. It was also offered to the USN in the “aggressor” role but was again rejected in favour of the F-16. Without a home market there was little hope for export orders.

This title contains two flight manuals for the F-20/F-20A along with a nice colour manufacturer’s brochure.



This title contains:

  • Manufacturers Utility Flight Manual for the F-20(-1), serial number 82-0062 (Northrop s/n GG.1001), NTM 1F-20-1(-1) dated 1-11-82, with approx. 204 pages. (The first example.)
  • Manufacturers Utility Flight Manual for the F-20A, serial numbers GI001 (N3986B) and GI002 (N4467I), NTM 1F-20A-1 dated 15-1-84, with approx. 266 pages.
  • Manufacturers colour brochure for the F-20 Tigershark, NB 83-28 dated May 1985, with approx. 30 pages.