
Title: Fairchild C-82 Packet

Designed to a 1941 US Army requirement for a specialised military freighter the C-82 first flew in 1944. However it was quickly found that the aircraft was underpowered and the airframe inadequate for its planned heavy lifting role. A revised version was developed which overcame these problems and became the C-119. 220 of the original C-82s had been produced when production ended in 1948 and they were retired in 1954.

This title contains two flight manuals for the C-82 along with a manufacturer’s brochure. The files have been scanned from the original flight manuals and retain any colour pages.


This title contains:

  • USAAF Pilot’s Flight Operating Instructions for the C-82, AN 01-115CB-1 dated 10-6-45 revised to 30-8-45, with approx. 81 pages.
  • USAF Handbook of Flight Operating Instructions for the C-82A, T.O. 1C-82A-1 dated 27-8-47 revised to 1-3-54, with approx. 77 pages. (This manual includes the unusual tracked-undercarriage version.)
  • Manufacturer’s brochure for the Fairchild Packet. Undated with approx. 11 pages.